Constructions execution file
The execution file includes all documents, graphics, descriptions and standard-setting activities. , allowing the realization of the project. It will allow companies to accurately quantify the cost of the work. In these documents, all materials, brands, standards, types of implementation, are explicitly mentioned. This allows for a comparison of all cost estimations. If the architect has a duty to advice on the choice of companies, this choice remains, ultimately, destined to the client.
This file will then be used to conduct the work and will help manage any additional work. It includes:
– Rules of the consultation
– Plans, sections and façades of the final project
– Possible details needed to understand the project
–Technical specifications (descriptive specifications)
– Labor market: Special clauses (CCP) and commitment document.
Within the agency, we have regulations, standards and DTU (Unified Technical Documents) as well as documentation allowing the constitution of the file of execution.